Visiting Heidelberg, Germany

There are so many places we want to visit in Germany. But, visiting Heidelberg in Germany was our initial plan before our Europe trip. Instead of going to Bavaria with a 4-hour train ride, we headed to Heidelberg instead. The photo below is the second train station in Heidelberg. This was the second stop where we got off coming from Kaiserslautern. The Heidelberg main station was the first stop, before this station.We are visiting Heidelberg, Germany. Sitting here at the train station.

Heidelberg Train Station – Germany

The train ride to Heidelberg

The train ride took more than an hour to go to Heidelberg from Kaiserslautern, where we stayed compared to four hours going to Bavaria. When we got to Heidelberg train station, we walked for about 15 minutes to The Market Square.

There are also buses from the train station that route to the Marktplatz Square. You just have to wait for the scheduled time.

The Marktplatz Square

When we arrived at the square, the view was stunning, with colorful buildings and the cobblestone paths that I only see in photos and videos I finally got to step on. The old university, and street lamps, decorated with flowers, added a romantic and fairytale touch. It’s so fun watching the people at The Market Square exploring souvenir shops, restaurants, and cafes.

A view of the Heidelberg Castle from the Marktplatz Square where the Hercules Fountain Statue is built.
A view of the Heidelberg Castle from The Marktplatz Square where the Hercules Fountain Statue is built.

The statues in the marketplace square symbolizing ancient times are remarkable, including the Hercules Fountain. And, we could immediately see the castle on top of the hill from the square. Its immense size and beauty made it impossible to miss, standing out overlooking the square.

The Church of the Holy Spirit (Heiliggeistkirche)

When we arrived at the marketplace square, the stunning church immediately caught my eye. I was so captivated by this gem in Heidelberg that my husband ended up browsing souvenir shops while I stood in front of the church for so long – just admiring it. He asked me if I wanted souvenirs from the store, and I said “Nope!” My souvenirs are right here — a bunch of photos!

Vising Heidelberg, Germany and we are looking at The Church of the Holy Spirit standing beautiful in the charming marketplace square in Heidelberg.
The Church of the Holy Spirit on The Marktplatz Square in Heidelberg, Germany

The high ceilings and colorful stained glass were found to be stunning! It is incredible that this was built centuries ago. It’s the perfect place to pause and reflect, and it’s humbling to be in such a sacred and historical space.

The interior of Heiliggeistkirche has Gothic vaulted ceiling, large, arched windows filled with clear or lightly stained glass.
Inside the Holy Spirit Church in Heidelberg, Germany

Haspeltor Tower Gate

The Haspeltor Tower is a popular landmark attraction in Heidelberg, Germany. This gate served as one of the entrances to the fortress. The intricate stonework craftsmanship is a masterpiece. Today, it is a passage to the Old Town Bridge above the Neckar River. There are restaurants and cafes on each side where you can enjoy food and snacks when you get tired of walking. If you are visiting Heidelberg, Germany don’t forget to take a moment to enjoy the surrounding views and capture the timeless beauty of the Neckar River and Heidelberg’s picturesque Old Town.

The Haspeltor tower gate in Heidelberg, Germany. It's a twin tower with an arch gate passage to the Old Bridge.
The Haspeltor Gate in Heidelberg, Germany

Old Bridge and Neckar River

The highlight of the Neckar River is the Old Bridge – an 18th-century stone bridge with elegant arches and towers that blend well with the city’s medieval architecture. It is a great place to enjoy the surrounding areas including the boats and ferries that comes and goes on the Neckar River. They say, the river’s surface often appears greenish or bluish, reflecting the changing light and weather, and mirrors the surrounding scenery making it majestic.

On the left is the road with smooth traffic while the left is the view Neckar River with a ferry sailing. Some clouds on a beautiful blue sky.
The view of the Neckar River and the Old Town taken from the Old Bridge.
Visiting Heidelberg, Germany and seeing how beautiful the castle perched on a hill is so majestic.
Taking a photo of the castle from the Old Bridge above the Neckar River.

How to get to Heidelberg Castle

There are two ways to get there: Walk up on a steep cobblestone path with lovely scenery or ride the tram that can get you to the castle in less than 2 minutes. We chose to take the funicular railway or the Heidelberg Bergbahn, from Kornmarkt station for an easy ride. The ticket can be purchased inside the station and it is good for a round trip. And, the funicular ticket also includes admission to the castle, so don’t lose it.

The building of Kornmarkt Station in Marktplatz Square Old Town in Heidelberg Germany.
Kornmarkt Station on the Marktplatz Square in the Old Town of Heidelberg Germany – where we purchased our funicular ticket.

If you want to visit the castle but choose to walk up on the hill, you also need a ticket to show to the security before entering the castle.

You can watch the video of our funicular ride here.

Heidelberg Castle

It sits high on the Königstuhl hill. You can see the beautiful castle from the Kornmarkt plaza and Old Bridge. This beautiful ruin is a mix of Gothic and Renaissance styles. Even though some of it is in ruins, you can still see how magnificent it used to be.

The beautiful scenery of the Neckar River and Old Bridge surrounded by clay colored roofs. On the background is a lush green hills.
The scenic view of the Old Town and Neckar River, taken from the terrace of Heidelberg Castle.


Visiting Heidelberg, Germany castle.
Heidelberg castle ruins.
The ruins of the Krautturm Tower on the side of the Castle.
Krauttum Tower Heidelberg Castle Ruins.

Some areas of the castle are currently blocked off with barriers and orange cones for maintenance and repairs. While these sections may be inaccessible, every accessible corner of the castle offers fantastic photo opportunities. The terraces, in particular, are ideal spots for capturing stunning photos.

The Castle Courtyard

Before passing through the stone gate, we presented our funicular tickets to the security personnel. Then we proceeded to the castle’s courtyard. The place is stunning and its intricate Gothic and Renaissance architecture is breathtaking. The grandeur of the structures and intricate sculptures are masterpieces. I was in awe.

The magnificent Friedrichsbau building with intricate sculptures.
Heidelberg Castle Courtyard
The facade of the Renaissance building that was struck by lightning – Heidelberg Castle.
The Neckar River in Heidelberg, Germany. Surrounded by beautiful trees and brick-colored roofs, and lush hills on a beautiful day.
Breathtaking view of the Neckar River and surrounding areas. Taken from the Great Terraces of the Heidelberg Castle.

We walked around the castle grounds and took a lot of panoramic photos. From the terraces of the castle, we enjoy the panoramic views of Heidelberg’s Old Town, the Neckar River, and the surrounding vineyard hills.

Inside the Castle

Inside the castle, there are banquet halls which, are used for events and exhibitions, such as weddings, cultural events, and art displays. The world’s largest wine barrel, built in 1751, holds over 200,000 liters and is located in Heidelberg Castle. There are also wine tastings in the wine cellar of Heidelberg Castle. Inside the castle offers an amazing experience.

A large wine barrel displayed inside the Heidelberg castle.
One of the large wine barrels inside the Heidelberg castle.
The largest wine barrel in the world is in Heidelberg Castle, Germany.
The Great Wine Barrel in Heidelberg, Germany

Outside the Castle

Outside the castle is a massive garden. It is called Palatine Garden. It’s a very pleasant place with lots of birds singing, fresh air, and breathtaking views across the castle and town center. We sat on the bench for a little bit and enjoyed the scenery.

The Beautiful View of Palatine Garden Terrace on the Castle of Heidelberg, Germany.
The castle’s Palatine Garden.
The Palatine Garden Terrace on the Castle of Heidelberg Germany
The castle’s Palatine Garden terrace.

Before we headed back, we stopped by for brats and drinks in the castle’s vicinity. Yes, there are restaurants in the castle area and snack bars. And, of course, they also have a public restroom outside and it’s free.  I saw restrooms inside the castle but I wasn’t sure if it was free.

Snacking with brats at Heidelberg Germany after the castle tour.
Heidelberg brats

Is visiting Heidelberg, Germany worth it?

There are some areas we can’t go to anymore. As usual, it’s the train schedule we wanted to catch. But visiting Heidelberg, Germany worth it? Absolutely, for us! Visiting Heidelberg, Germany was the best decision we made. This city gave us a great experience and we’ll probably visit there again in the future.

We took a lot of photos from this trip. If you want to see them, you can follow our social media.

Here is a short video of our visit to Heidelberg

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